Unite the Union

Unite the Union HQ, Dagenham

Construction - Commercial / Office

Client: Unite the Union

Location: Unite the Union HQ, Dagenham, Essex, RM10

Value: £3,000,000

What was our role?

New two-storey office development including substructure, superstructures, internal works and services, fitting out fixtures & fittings and external work and new statutory service supplies.

Other Construction Projects

56-57 Kensington Garden Square

Grime's Graves - New Access Stairs

West Lea School

Contact Us


Hutton Construction Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330386

Email: colchester@hutton-group.co.uk


Hutton Construction Ltd
Alsa Business Park,
Alsa Street,
Essex CM24 8SQ

Tel: 01279 647333

Email: stansted@hutton-group.co.uk


Hutton Shopfitting Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330380

Email: shopfitting@hutton-group.co.uk