Engineering Building Project 2, QMUL

Construction - Education

Client: Queen Mary University London

Location: Mile End

Value: £11.5m

What was our role?

Project 2 centred on the refurbishment of a number of laboratories, teaching and office space across a number of levels within the University’s Engineering Building at their Mile End Campus.

The project also included converting an existing high-level plant room to office space, and a number of isolated ‘backlog maintenance’ items, centring on roof and façade replacement. 

There was an ‘advance works’ package of preparatory works for the roof replacement, and the refurbishment of a number of isolated laboratories.

Within this project we constructed a 4-storey metal staircase and access tower to join two buildings, demolishing the existing high-level walkway link structure. These works were very difficult due to the location within an enclosed courtyard environment, accessible only via a single pedestrian walkway, which had to be shared and maintained at all times. We used banksmen to oversee the distribution of materials and plant via the walkway. Erection of the steelwork was by folding spider cranes and electric chain hoists. The courtyard was surrounded by teaching facilities, offices and laboratories, therefore working closely with the building managers and users was essential to ensure noise, dust and disruption was kept to the bare minimum.

Other Construction Projects

Geography Labs, QMUL

One Stop Doctors Private Health Clinic

Thorpe Hall Hotel and Spa, The Life House

Contact Us


Hutton Construction Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330386



Hutton Construction Ltd
Alsa Business Park,
Alsa Street,
Essex CM24 8SQ

Tel: 01279 647333



Hutton Shopfitting Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330380
