100km Trail Walkers 2022 Charity Fundraising Event

Hutton Construction are pleased to be supporting Team PML who are taking part in the 100km Trail Walkers 2022 Charity Fundraising Event between 23-25 September 2022.

Trailwalker is the ultimate team endurance event.  The challenge is to walk, jog or run 100km non-stop across the South Downs Way in under 30 hours in a team of four, with a support crew of two members to help you get to the finish line.  By taking part or supporting teams who are taking part in Trailwalker 2022, you are also supporting the work of both Oxfam Great Britain and The Gurkha Welfare Trust.

Oxfam is a global movement of millions of people working together to end poverty. Whether it is responding to a climate emergency, providing people with clean water and sanitation, campaigning against the laws which keep people in poverty or facing the challenges presented by COVID-19.

The Gurkha Welfare Trust provides financial, medical and development aid to Gurkha veterans, their families and communities in Nepal.  They also work with local communities to provide access to clean water and education.

If you would like to join us by supporting the event, you can do so by visting the Just Giving Page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/trailwalker2022.  

PML are providing us with Project Planning & Programming Services on our £5million Incinerator Building Extension project at Weybridge for DEFRA.  The Weybridge site, operated by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), is the UK’s main animal health laboratory, and it is there where internationally important research into major animal diseases such as BSE, Foot and Mouth disease and bird flu is led.


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Essex CM24 8SQ

Tel: 01279 647333

Email: stansted@hutton-group.co.uk


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